"I wish I would have known how the program for references worked. Didn't seem like there were many resources on CBT operation beyond "the line tool". You can't use ctrl+F, you have to click in the search bar. Searching is exact, so while you can search "motor compressor" in Adobe, Pearson's search tool will only bring up the same result if you type "motor-compressor". There's no efficient way to jump to a specific page, unless you search the exact number of the page and don't mind sifting through other results. There's no way to jump into sections below the articles, e.g. A430.52. It was easier to go to the article group below and scroll up to latter parts of an article."   - Adam, PE [Passed]
"Overall the book is wonderful at giving a high level overview before going into the weeds. I will be keeping the book and the cheat sheets as a work reference. There was a bunch of links within the document that I never looked up or needed to pass the exam. such as with batteries. My biggest complaint was there there was a lot on the new Ncees reference handbook that was never explained and there were inconsistencies with the text book that was different from the reference handbook. You need to know the handbook and learn how to use every part of it. It would be helpful for a whole live class soley dedicated to going over the handbook and what type of problems you might get so you know when to plug and chug."   - Jacob, PE [Passed]